24/7 exchange rates

Gain live 24/7 access to wholesale currency exchange rates. Save money on your transactions and generate revenue by attracting customers with competitive rates and monetizing your FX services.

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Hassle-free cross-border services

Manage and monetize your FX with wholesale currency exchange rates in many currency pairs – GBP / EUR / USD / NOK / DKK / SEK / PLN / AUD / SGD / HUF / CZK / CAD / INR / IDR / MYR / MXN / RON / HKD / HRK / PHP

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Weekend FX

Don’t get hindered by traditional banking hours that limit when you can trade. See rates and convert currencies all day, every day, including weekends. Use the same tools on the weekend that you use throughout the week for seamless money management with no gap in business processes.

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Understand the value of your rates and get a clear view of the market spread with access to the mid-market rates.

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